OpenRail Overhead Line Designer Help

Create Multiple Line

Ribbon: Track-side Design > Feeder

Automatically creates a feeder along the track section, making editing long track sections quicker and more effective.


Creation of a feeder along a track section.


  1. Run the Create Multiple Line function.
  2. To Create Multiple Line with CrossArm run Create Multiple Line with CrossArm Function
  3. Select the start holder for the suspension of the feeder.
  4. Select the end holder for the suspension of the feeder.
  5. Enter the feeder line type and determine its characteristics.
  6. Close the dialog box with OK.


OpenRail Overhead Line Designer generates the feeder between both holders along the routing and saves the corresponding data in the project database. The graphic is automatically updated.

Note: Only poles are used as holders that lie on the same track path as the start and end mast. If the feeder changes the track side, than it has to be done over a new creation of a single feeder point.